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October 10. 2022
19/07/2024 Tips for job hunting in a competitive job market According to new figures from the ONS, the UK job market is stalling. Between December 2023 and February 2024, unemployment rose by 4.2%, reaching its highest level in six months. During the same period, employment rates dipped, and economic inactivity increased to 9.4 million people (22.2%). Additionally, job vacancies in the UK dropped by 13,000 between January and March. Despite these challenges, there are effective strategies you can employ to find a new job. Here are ten top tips to help you navigate your job search in a tough market: Widen Your Search Area Many roles now offer flexible, remote, or hybrid working options, making it feasible to apply for jobs that are geographically distant. Expanding your search area increases your chances of finding suitable opportunities. Don’t Wait for a Job Advert If you have a dream job or a company you’re passionate about, send your CV and a compelling cover letter explaining why you’d love to work for them. They might be on the verge of advertising a position or could recognise that your skills are exactly what they need. Sharpen Your Skills and Keep Learning Use your job search time to enhance your skills by enrolling in free online courses. This not only fills gaps in your CV but also demonstrates to potential employers that you are committed to professional development. Get Networking Networking is a key strategy for meeting potential employers. Attend local events—many of which are free—where you can connect with peers and industry professionals. Get Social Utilise LinkedIn for job searching, as many recruiters and businesses post vacancies there. Ensure your profile is up-to-date and professional. You can also explore job opportunities and network on Facebook and X (Twitter), as many local groups are dedicated to job hunting and professional connections. It’s All About the Experience Experience is crucial. If you can’t find paid employment, consider volunteering. Local food banks, charity shops, and other organisations often need help. Volunteering not only builds your CV but also provides valuable experience. Try an Online Platform Platforms offer flexible and one-off jobs in your local area. These opportunities, such as product testing, merchandising, or brand ambassador roles, can fit around your job hunt and add both experience to your CV and extra money to your pocket. Keep on Searching Persistence is key. Set up job alerts, use varied job titles, and submit your CV to multiple platforms and recruiters. In a volatile market, you must stay proactive and vigilant about new opportunities. Make Your CV Sparkle With high competition for roles, your CV must stand out. Tailor your application for each job, highlighting relevant skills and experiences. A personalised CV increases your chances of catching a recruiter’s eye. Be Ready for Interviews Prepare for interviews in advance, as they can often be scheduled quickly. Practice answers to common questions and be ready for video calls. Confidence and preparation are essential for making a great impression. Looking for your perfect job? Find Jobs! Call Now! You might also like… Why Finding the Perfect Fit Matters in the Hiring Game Let’s dive into a topic that’s often thrown around in… December 22, 2023 Navigating Your Career Path: A Guide to Finding the Right Job In today’s dynamic job market, finding the right job that… December 13, 2023 Are you currently on the lookout for your dream job? As a leading recruitment agency, we understand the challenges and… May 26, 2023 Unlocking Recruitment Success: Why Choose a Professional Service Provider In today’s competitive business landscape, finding and retaining top talent… May 26, 2023 Load More Edit Template
October 10. 2022
Let’s dive into a topic that’s often thrown around in hiring discussions but sometimes doesn’t get the spotlight it truly deserves: cultural fit. We all know hiring is about skills, experience, and qualifications, but trust me, there’s a magic ingredient called cultural fit that can turn a good hire into a great one. Why Does Cultural Fit Matter Anyway? Picture this: you’re working with a group of people who share the same values, have a similar work ethic, and just ‘get’ each other. Sounds like a dream team, right? That is the power of a cultural fit. It’s the secret sauce that makes teams not just work together but thrive together. It’s More Than Just Ping-Pong Tables and Casual Fridays Fitting in with the culture of the business isn’t about making everyone conform to a singular way of thinking or acting. No one’s asking you to memorise the company song (if there even is one). It’s about aligning your personal values and work style with the company’s ethos. Think of it as finding your professional soulmates – people who understand and appreciate your quirks, and vice versa. The Downside of Ignoring This Sure, you might find the most technically skilled candidate out there, but if they clash with the company culture, it could lead to a not-so-happy workplace. Disconnected teams, communication breakdowns, and a general feeling of ‘this isn’t the place for me’ can quickly take over. Not exactly the recipe for a thriving work environment. Interviews Aren’t Just About Resumes When interviewing, it’s not just about ticking off a list of skills and experiences. Dive into the candidate’s values, work style and how they approach challenges. Ask about how they like to collaborate or handle tight deadlines. Get to the heart of who they are beyond the lines on their resume. Building a Cultural Fit-Oriented Hiring Process Let’s be honest – finding the right fit isn’t a one-size-fits-all deal. It’s about understanding what makes your company tick and finding individuals who resonate with that rhythm. Incorporate cultural fit assessments, team interviews, and maybe even a casual coffee chat into your hiring process. You’ll be surprised at the insights you’ll gain. Real-World Success Stories Ever heard about a hire who not only aced their job but also became the office trivia champion? That’s the power of fitting in with a company culture. Share success stories within your company where a strong cultural fit led to exceptional results. It’s the living proof that this isn’t just HR jargon – it makes a real difference. The Takeaway? Cultivate Your Tribe In the grand scheme of things, cultural fit isn’t just about hiring; it’s about building a tribe of like-minded individuals who are passionate about the same goals. When you get the right mix, you’re not just building a team – you’re creating a family that supports and propels each other forward. So, here’s to finding the right fit for your team, embracing diversity within it, and creating a workplace where everyone not only fits but flourishes.
October 10. 2022
In today’s dynamic job market, finding the right job that aligns with your skills, passions, and career goals can be both exciting and challenging. As professionals, we often seek fulfillment and growth in our careers. It’s important to choose a career you’re passionate about, both for your long-term success and general happiness. If you’re worried because you’re thinking ‘I don’t know what job I want’, remember you’re not alone. Many people don’t settle on a permanent career path until later in their twenties or beyond. Not to worry! We have our best tips to help you figure out which career paths might be right for you. 7 Steps to Find the Right Job for You Finding the right job requires a thoughtful and strategic approach. Remember, the journey to finding the right job is a process. With persistence and adaptability, you’ll discover the path that aligns with your professional aspirations. 👉Click here to check out what jobs we’re currently hiring for. Your dream job may be closer than you think… Happy job hunting!
October 10. 2022
As a leading recruitment agency, we understand the challenges and opportunities that come with the job search process. In this blog post, we want to share some valuable insights and insider tips to help you stand out from the competition and land that coveted position. Read on to discover our expert advice and make your job search journey a successful one. As a job seeker, you have the power to take control of your career journey. By implementing these insider tips from a recruitment agency, you can position yourself as a standout candidate and increase your chances of securing your ideal job. Remember to showcase your unique value proposition, leverage your network, tailor your applications, consider recruitment agencies, and invest in continuous learning. We believe in your potential, and with the right strategies, you can achieve career success. Ready to take the next step? Contact our experienced team at 24-7 Recruitment to explore how we can support your job search and connect you with exciting opportunities.
October 10. 2022
In today’s competitive business landscape, finding and retaining top talent is crucial for sustained growth and success. However, the recruitment process can be complex, time-consuming, and resource-intensive. This is where partnering with a professional recruitment service provider can make a significant difference. In this blog post, we will explore the benefits of choosing a recruitment service provider and provide key UK figures that demonstrate the value they bring to companies. Read on to discover how outsourcing your recruitment needs can unlock a world of opportunities for your organisation. Partnering with a professional recruitment service provider offers numerous benefits, including streamlined hiring processes, access to diverse talent pools, and cost savings. As you seek to attract and retain top talent for your organisation, consider the valuable expertise and resources that a recruitment service provider can bring to the table. Take the next step in unlocking your recruitment success by reaching out to our experienced team today. Ready to optimise your recruitment efforts and unlock a world of talent? Contact our expert team at 24-7 Recruitment today to discuss how our tailored recruitment solutions can support your company’s growth and success.
October 10. 2022
In today’s rapidly changing business environment, having a flexible workforce can be the key to the success and growth of a business. A flexible workforce is one that can easily adapt to changes in market conditions and customer demands and can quickly scale up or down to meet business needs. In this blog post, we’ll explore the benefits of a flexible workforce and provide tips on how businesses can build one. Increased Agility: One of the biggest benefits of a flexible workforce is increased agility. When businesses can quickly adapt to changes in the market, they are better equipped to stay ahead of the competition. A flexible workforce allows businesses to quickly pivot their staffing needs to match changing customer demands, ensuring that they can remain competitive and responsive to changing trends. Cost Savings: Another key benefit of a flexible workforce is cost savings. Businesses that have a flexible workforce are able to save money by only hiring staff when they are needed. This reduces the overhead costs associated with hiring full-time staff, such as salaries and benefits by using a staffing company like 24-7 recruitment, businesses can also avoid the costs of recruiting and training staff, as we handle all of that for them. Access to Specialised Talent: A flexible workforce also provides businesses with access to specialised talent that they might not otherwise be able to afford. By hiring contract workers or freelancers with specialised skills, businesses can benefit from their expertise without having to pay full-time salaries. This allows businesses to stay ahead of the curve in their industry and deliver high-quality products and services to their customers. Tips for Building a Flexible Workforce: Now that we’ve explored the benefits of a flexible workforce, let’s look at some tips for a flexible workforce . 1) Businesses should consider partnering with a staffing company like 24-7 recruitment. We have a pool of highly skilled and experienced candidates who are available for contract work, and we can help businesses find the right talent to meet their needs. 2) Businesses should look at their current staffing needs and identify areas where they might need additional support. This could be seasonal work, special projects, or areas where they need specialised skills. By identifying these needs ahead of time, businesses can quickly hire contract workers to fill those gaps and avoid downtime or delays. 3) Businesses should consider offering flexible work arrangements to their existing staff. This could include telecommuting, flexible schedules, or part-time work. By offering these arrangements, businesses can retain talented employees who might otherwise leave for more flexible opportunities. In conclusion, a flexible workforce is essential for businesses that want to remain competitive and responsive to changing market conditions. By partnering with a staffing company like 24-7 Recruitment and following these tips, businesses can build a flexible workforce that meets their needs and drives their success. Are you ready to build a flexible workforce and take your business to the next level? Contact us today at 01527 222 350 to learn how we can help you find the right talent and stay ahead of the curve in your industry.
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